Thursday, October 9, 2008

i'm not sure many of you know my deep love for patrick dempsey. my sister gave me this photo of him inthe frame for christmast one year, inside are different photos i can change whenever i please but this is my most favorite of all!

my week last week ended with a very sad metta and a very sad week. my lap top broke, my i home broke and my phone stopped charging :(

however!!! conference was spectacular! Emily and i had the opportunity to go to the afternoon session and saturday. (don't worry that we thought we had morning tickets, so we got all ready to go and realized they were for afternoon)
Saturday was one of my most favorite days! it rained ALLLLLLLLL day long! it was kinda dreary and cold and i LOVED it! clair and i watched the morning session at aunt donnas then emily and i headed up the the afternoon session. once we were there we walkedabout 2 blocks in the pouring rain (with an umbrella) and barely made it intime! Elder Wirthlins talk on just laughing made our day So much better.

we forgot which floor of the building we parked on so ended up getting off floor 5, 6 and 7 before we found the car. we then continued on getting very lost in down town, and finally waiting 15 mintues for a slow train to pass by! both of us now quite late for work! still we just laughed.


Jason & Shannon said...

Yay for laughing! That sucks all of your stuff stopped working, hehe. I got sick-o on Monday (my birthday) how icky horrible. Conference was really good! That's so nice you got to go to the Saturday afternoon session!!!

Steve and Hailey said...

Good taste mett.

Janna Mills said...

yay for watching conference at my house! and my mama making us cinnamon rolls!! oh metta how i miss you! i'm so happy you got to go to conference!