Thursday, June 25, 2009


my goodness!! i could be the only crazy person out there but engagement pictures have by far been THE most stressful part of the engagment! EVERYONE is going to see these pictures so they have to be good right? and clair is wonderful don't get me wrong but the whole i think your pretty all the time just stressed me out even MORE!! so when you all receive your invitations to be suprised if i look really uncomfortable and awkward while clair looks golden! you really would think it would be the other way around since he HATEs taking pictures but he was a star. so my question to all is did anyone else want to die over the invites!!?!?


Neu Family Reunion said...

yes yes and yes! I hated deciding what we would wear and how we should pose... his dad took our pictures and wasnt very inventive. So yes it was stressful!

Amy and Craig said...

ordering our invitations was the hardest part of planning the wedding (for me, my mom did a lot of the planning).

Jason & Shannon said...

Yes, I stinking had braces on still!!! The people I wanted to do my invites was "not accepting new clients at this time" it was frustrating!